Friday, January 15, 2016


The Toot-Toots have taken over! They are everywhere! They are our Monkey's favorite toys and they are probably mine as well. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, I am referring to VTech's line of toys called Toot-Toot Drivers. They are also known as Go Go Smart Cars in the USA and Toet-Toets here in the Netherlands. They also have the Toot-Toot Animals/Zoef-Zoef Dieren and a yet-to-be-released Splash World line.

Toot-Toot vehicles and little extras. There are 2 intruders in the photo but kiddo insists that they are honorary Toot-Toots and are to be treated as such. He now has a cow, a horse, a foal to add to his collection.

As for us, we started with them shortly before kiddo's 1st birthday. We had already spotted the train station and had been discussing it when a friend had her son's garage on offer so we decided to buy that off her and see how he liked it. I absolutely loved the idea of them as they are something you can constantly add to and, since they are all compatible, you don't end up with all sorts of different sets that won't work together. They have lights, sounds, melodies, are sturdy as heck, colorful, and are plenty of fun! He really seemed to enjoy the garage and tow truck that came with it so we decided to go ahead with those for his first birthday. Prior to that, he didn't actually have that many toys, nor did he play with them too much as he was simply too busy trying to run about and get into things he shouldn't get into.

Big, big hit with the kiddo!

We had gotten him the Railway Station, and family members gifted him some extra vehicles, the larger fire engine, and the construction site. It certainly didn't take long before we were out looking for an extension to be able to connect the kits together! From that point on, the Toot-Toots have been kiddo's absolute favorite toy to play with. At the age of 1, he did need us to assemble the tracks and he spent most of the time playing with the vehicles in his hand but he still loved them. By the time he was turning 2, he was driving those vehicles along the tracks and even building them himself. Creativity started taking over and assembling the tracks was just as (if not more) fun as playing on them. It didn't take long before kiddo and I got into heated debates about track designs!

Months before Christmas, we spotted the newest release of a Toot-Toot RC Racetrack coming and knew that was perfect as kiddo's Christmas gift. Now what 2 year old doesn't love radio-controlled cars? To top it off, VTech released a Toot-Toot Advent calendar and we ended up getting him that as well. Toot-toots were added to his wishlist and the collection just grew and grew. Now, kiddo has always been much more drawn to the Drivers line than the Animals one despite my best attempts. However, while browsing, I accidentally came across some new releases (more about that in a separate post) that were being advertised as being released on January 1st of this year. Actually, it's kiddo that spotted it when he spotted a dog that he insists is Puck. He kept pointing at it saying "Puck!" and then spotted the cats as well and happened to spot the black one that reminds him of Baloo. Now, this is how my logic works... I had no problem getting him the Puck lookalike, but where would he go? I couldn't quite pass him off as a fire dog, could I? I found the idea of a stray quite sad, we certainly didn't need stray cats and dogs running amok! I didn't quite like the idea of getting into the zoo/safari line as kiddo didn't seem to connect with those animals but I understood kiddo's desire to have the ones that he could relate to... I spotted another new release: a doggy playhouse. That sure seemed cute and a 'house' could work into his preexisting collection but then it came with a brown dog and he definitely wanted the one that looks like Puck. His grandparents had sent him some money to get a Christmas gift and I spotted the farm in Amazon's Lightning Deals and it was just perfect. I mean, a dog and cat certainly can live on a farm and a farm worked just fine with the collection he already had... I looked at it carefully and realized that it came with a really cute cow. Cute yes, but the farm had some great stables that just seemed empty. Seemed a bit of a shame not to buy the gorgeous Mama Horse and foal... ;) Of course, a bunny would be a great addition since there are carrots and so would a chicken since there is a lovely tree swing but I had to control myself. ;) It would come later in January but it just meant he'd have another surprise.

Kiddo opened his RC Raceway on Christmas Day. Oh boy was he ever excited! We also received a second RC Racer so kiddo could actually have someone (me, me, me!) race him. It was too late for kiddo to play with it so it had to wait until the next day.

Gasp! What is this?!

The next day, the Mr. and I got the Raceway all assembled and ready for kiddo while he impatiently hung around, waiting for us to be done so he could finally play. Wow, it's simply awesome! That is a great piece of kit to have added to his collection. We raced, he raced his Papa, raced his Oma... Oh yes, it was great. The only downer was that we had expected the RC racers to work on his entire track but this was not the case :( Unfortunately, the sides are a little lower on the regular track. While driving straight is perfectly fine, taking corners means your racer will veer off track  and go off roading. I have contacted VTech about this and am hoping to hear back.

Kiddo discovering his RC Raceway track. It's great and we love how the RC controls everything, even the stunts!

Yesterday, I was surprised by the postman delivering our Amazon order. I had only expected it to come today so that was a fun surprise. When I had put the order in, I had decided to accept the challenge of creating one enormous fully-connected track with everything he has. In fact, I think it's partly the reason why we took down the Christmas decorations so quickly, just so we could have the space to do this! I knew kiddo would get a major kick out of it and I just loved the challenge as it's just like a puzzle. It can be really frustrating sometimes, especially if you are slightly OCD like me and insist on not mixing up the tracks and try to get something 'logical' so you don't end up with vehicles crashing into each other or end up with dead ends. My kid, on the other hand, really gets a kick out of building things as curvy and as loopy as he can. His dutch blood already has him building bloody roundabouts! Anyway, because of our road design disagreements, I decided it would be much more pleasant if I attempted the mega track on my own without having my 'boss' looking over my shoulder to 'correct' my design. I rearranged the furniture in the living room, brought up the boxes of decorations and put the lil monkey in his room for his 'quiet time' (we don't call it 'nap time' here anymore unless we want a tantrum on our hands!) and set to work. First, I had to group up all the kits so that I knew exactly what I had to work with for each section. Plus, there's always something missing so best to work section by section. Next, I had to decide what made 'sense' in terms of what should go where. I didn't think the animals would appreciate living right next to the race track so I ended up putting the farm a bit away from the railway since that seemed to be more 'logical'. Yeah, I know, I'm special that way. I like to call it 'quirky'. ;) Anyway, it took me bloody hours to build it and I'm not kidding. Each section needed to be just right and then I had to open them up properly to extend them into the next, etc. I tried to improvise the railway design but quickly realized I would be there all night so I Googled some VTech designs and picked the most suitable (after getting it wrong another 2 times first, of course) one which would allow me to continue. I got it all done just as kiddo woke and I used all our pieces with the exception of 2 so yeah, one mega track. I was satisfied that I had completed the challenge and admired the large track in front of me. I knew kiddo would get a major kick out of it and I couldn't wait to get playing. Yeah, yeah, I know...! To add to the fun of it all, kiddo had no idea he had gotten the farm at all. I simply assembled it (don't attempt to put the stickers on it around your sticker-happy child), put the new horses in the stable and the cow in the pasture and left it at that. I placed the rest of the vehicles where they seemed to make sense and went upstairs to get kiddo.

The track before kiddo saw it.

Once ready, I let him walk into the living room and he just stood in awe as he looked at the track. The last time we had connected it like that was before the new additions so it was only about half the size. It really was impressive now! He quickly spotted the new farm and found the animals and simply kept saying "What is this now?!" Haha, silly monkey! Once he had a good look at the animals, he ran off to his racers and handed me a control so we raced for a few. Once he was satisfied that he had beaten me enough, he ran off to play with the rest but that was not so easy as he did not know where to start! It was great. Of course, once kiddo got involved, terrible things started happening. Somehow the poor cow ended up getting run over by the train, Santa and his sleigh had flipped over in the construction area and the quad and cement truck figured the stable provided a great parking spot while the tow truck took a snooze in the barn. I won't even tell you where the plane ended up! Kids! :P

Seeing him there gives you a better idea of the size of this thing!

The adorable farm which will eventually house all sorts of cute critters.

Kiddo really enjoys the slide part.

The Mr. came home and kiddo quickly grabbed him and started showing him the animals and playing with him. I had been concerned that kiddo wouldn't like the animals as much but after seeing the cow and foal join us for dinner and then the horses join kiddo in bed, I think it is fair to say that the Toot-Toot Animals are also a success. Doggy will join us later as there has been a delay in his arrival but I think kiddo's got his hands full at the moment anyway.

So yeah, we're pretty Toot-Toot obsessed in our family. Can you blame us? ;)

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